Federation of Synagogues Beth Din head Dayan Yisroel Lichtenstein spoke at the formal opening of the premises of the movement’s newest congregation, Nishmas Yisroel in Hendon.
Around 1,000 people visited during the day for davening, kiddush, a brit and lunch.
Nishmas Yisroel’s Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft said its establishment “demonstrates a very clear objective and new direction for the Federation. It is an honour for me to serve with the backing of such an enthusiastic organisation.”
Developing new and existing communities is part of the focus of recently elected Federation of Synagogues president Andrew Cohen and his team of officers.
“We will assist with new buildings, provide inspirational leaders such as Rabbi Tugendhaft and offer the broader communal services of kashrus and burial that come with being a member of an established and growing organisation,” Mr Cohen said.