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Golders Green Judaica shop accused of selling ‘unfit’ mezuzot

Sephardi Beth Din investigating Sofer Stam following Federation religious authority's warning

December 10, 2020 15:21

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

The Sephardi Beth Din is conducting its own investigation into a Golders Green Judaica shop that has been accused by the Federation of Synagogues of selling invalid mezuzot and tefillin.

The Federation Beth Din, headed by Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, notified its rabbis last month that anyone who had bought such items from Sofer Stam should have them checked.

A spokesman for the Sephardi Beth Din said it was “aware of the notice that has been put out regarding the shop and the SBD are performing their own investigation”.

According to the North-West London-based Federation, it had come to their attention that “many of the mezuzos sold locally are below standard, and particularly, with the smaller ones, frequently possul [unfit for religious use]”.