
Orthodox London GPs warn that Jewish Covid deaths could reach spring levels

Golders Green doctors suggest 'we may be on the threshold of a situation similar to that which we were facing after Purim'

November 19, 2020 14:44
(Photo: Getty Images)

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

Orthodox doctors in North-West London have warned that Covid-19 casualties within the community could rise to the level seen in spring, when there were a disproportionately high number of Jewish fatalities.

Their warning is accompanied by a plea for Jews to observe social distancing guidelines — and not to meet friends or family in or outside their homes.

In a video message posted on KehillaNW website on Tuesday, Golders Green GP Yossi Adler said he and colleagues were “very concerned we may be on the threshold of a situation similar to that which we were facing after Purim”.

Over the past week, they had experienced “an exponential rise in the number of Covid patients… and that includes an increasing number of hospitalisations and ICU [intensive care unit] admissions”.

Dr Adler added: “The experience unfortunately of recent deaths in other kehillas [communities] both in the UK and around the world makes us concerned that this same thing may happen here and we really don’t feel we have any reason to be complacent.

“We may well just be a couple of weeks behind.”

Appealing to the local community to keep to social distancing guidelines, he urged: “Please don’t meet with other people, even extended family, in or outside the home.

“Please don’t invite guests or have family over to stay at the current time.

“It is unfortunate that weddings and other simchahs just can’t take place at the moment and we do have to be patient.”

His GP partner, Dr Frazer Rosenberg, said they were “particularly worried about those over 60 and the elderly and vulnerable”.

People looking after the elderly and vulnerable should endeavour to socially distance as much as they could.

“We’re advising that those patients also should not go to synagogue for individual prayer.”

It was up to the community “to take responsibility together.

“I can’t think of anything more noble than giving up for other people, committing ourselves to the guidelines, in order to be able to see this winter through.”

The Board of Deputies reported that last week’s total of nine Jewish burials relating to coronavirus was the highest weekly increase in six months.

Overall, the number of UK Jewish fatalities connected to Covid-19 stands at 556.

According to the latest data from Barnet Council, two of the wards with the largest Jewish population had the highest infection rates in the first week of November.

Golders Green recorded nearly 230 positive coronavirus tests per 100,000 and Hendon 210 that week, compared to a borough average of around 130.