
Capital not on BBC Weather site

February 23, 2012 13:50
23022012 bbcw3[1]

ByJennifer Lipman, Jennifer Lipman

1 min read

The Zionist Federation has criticised the BBC for excluding Jerusalem from its weather map of Israel.

A BBC Weather search for Israel brings up nine locations across Israel, including Eilat in the south and Hadera towards the north of the country.

But Jerusalem is omitted from the list and temperatures in the city can only be found through a separate search.

Equally, when looking at the weather in Tel Aviv on a map, the site offers the option of "country" as well, but no country is given at all when Jerusalem is shown.

A BBC spokesman said: "The way it's displayed in the "Find a Forecast" box is in line with BBC policy about how we refer to the status of Jerusalem."

Alan Aziz, director of the Zionist Federation, said that it was sad that the BBC was "prone to this type of misinformation".

He said: "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and should be stated as such."