
Board of Deputies link with Oxfam stays despite Miftah blog

April 25, 2013 12:30
1 min read

Oxfam’s continued support for a Palestinian charity that published a blog invoking the antisemitic blood libel will not spark the termination of a controversial food poverty programme run jointly with the Board of Deputies.

Deputies at a meeting in Bournemouth on Sunday criticised Oxfam’s decision to continue working with the West Bank-based Miftah group following the publication of the article.

Miftah removed the blog, which was in Arabic, apologised and disciplined the staff member responsible for it.

Oxfam said at the time it was “satisfied” that Miftah rejected “language and actions which promote hate, discrimination and violence of any kind”.

But deputy Jonathan Hoffman, who had led opposition to the link-up with Oxfam, said he believed supporting Miftah was a breach of the “red lines” drawn up by the Board in January.

Board president Vivian Wineman said: “This particular case has been raised by the monitoring group and we have taken it up with Oxfam.

“They are investigating it and know how seriously we regard it. Our new closer relationship with them is allowing for a more open and constructive dialogue.”

The programme is due to end in June. Board officials are determined to see it through to its finish. Oxfam has not commented further on the Miftah case.