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BBC removes ‘partisan’ videos for children on Israel-Palestine

A complainant accused the BBC of ‘encouraging illegal conduct’ by providing the content to schools

June 1, 2021 13:46
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1 min read

The BBC has removed a series of “educational” videos about Israel and Palestine from its website following a complaint from charity UK Lawyers for Israel. 

The videos formed part of the BBC’s ‘Bitesize’ educational content, which is aimed at children and designed for use in schools. 

UKLFI described the content as “unbalanced and partisan” and accused the BBC of “encouraging illegal conduct” by providing them to schools. 

The charity argued that the BBC’s provision of the videos within schools contravene the 1996 Education Act, which forbids “political indoctrination at maintained schools” and requires schools to take reasonable steps to ensure a balanced presentation of opposing views are offered to pupils. 
