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Which kid was the wickedest?

And how long before the Seder designates a 'misunderstood' child?

April 20, 2022 10:11
3 min read

Another year, another Seder. I did my best. I know it’s meant to be about passing on the story of Exodus to the next generation, but I get so stressed and shouty trying to keep the kids focused, that if they end up not alienated from Judaism forever then that’s a win. This year, though, I did have a bit of a breakthrough with ‘The Four Children.’ For that section they were as quiet as a mouse. I think it was because they wanted to see who’d won this year’s prestigious role of being the “wicked” child. In the Howie household that’s as close as you get to the Oscars.

Over the proceeding 12 months, points have been allocated, tallies made. Hit your brother, tick for the wicked. Homework done ahead of time, tick for the wise. Criticise my cooking when there was going to be ice cream for dessert. Tick for the simple. Of course this is all done in my head, but it may be time to make the system official, with wall charts and stars. I suspect though, that year to year, the outcomes would pretty much remain the same.

I don’t want to embarrass my children by stating who’s who, especially my eldest who’s very modest about being the wisest, but it’s somewhat unnerving that when it comes to archetypes, a couple of thousand years ago the rabbis called it. The Four Children get their first mention in the Jerusalem Talmud and Mekhilta midrash around the first century CE. Sprinkled across the Torah are responses to these kids, and so I imagine these learned men looked to their own lives to figure out who’d be the sort of child to elicit them.

“Itzik he’s such a pain in the tuchus, he never does his tithing chores, and now there’s a whole load of tithing I’ve got to tithe. He’s so the one who’d say, ‘What is this service to you?’ That’s exactly the kind of smart arse comment he’d come up with. And now I can answer, ‘It is because of this that Hashem did so for me when I went out of Egypt.’ So HAH! Take that Itzik, you wicked wicked child. And then I’ll blunt his teeth.” Whatever that means. I read it could be a punch in the face, bit harsh, but this is pre-social services, so no records exist. It’s probably a mistranslation, it should read instead, “Accordingly, you should brush his teeth,” — send him to bed without his supper. Although not forcing him to stick around, as we plough through the rest of the Haggadah might seem more like a reward.