A new play examines the way Zionism divided two Cabinet ministers.
By John Nathan
Thomas Bernhard targeted the antisemitism of his fellow countrymen.
Deborah Harris describes the challenges of putting on La Bohème in a London bar
By Anonymous
Gloria Tessler’s play explores an unlikely romance.
Combining klezmer music with circus skills in a unique show.
By Simon Round
Sweet Charity is once again a smash hit on the London stage.
The acclaimed actor explains his decision to take the role of antisemitic painter Edgar Degas
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The New End in Hampstead is 35 years old.
We meets members of Muju, an amateur theatre group made up of Jews and Muslims
By Alex Kasriel
The acclaimed playwright has finally come to terms with being pigeon-holed.
A dark new show telling the story of a Jewish activist features 26 characters — and there’s barely a human in sight.
As Rowan Atkinson prepares to play Fagin, Jonathan Pryce, Timothy Spall and Michael Feast tell how they approached the role
We talk to the renowned director of Israel’s Batsheva Dance Company ahead of the hotly anticipated UK performances.
By Nick Johnstone
Judith Dimant is the woman who makes UK’s most innovative theatre company tick.