
Danny Caro's Quote of the Week: March 2

March 5, 2014 10:47
David Garbacz 3
1 min read

Phil Peters and Ric Blank were commended by the JC panel of judges for their post-match quips, but in the end the prize went to Hendon gaffer David Garbacz who will need some more Churchillian-style speeches as the Hammers approach the squeaky-bum part of the season.

Speaking after the nail-biting double-header win over Camden Park, Garbacz told JC Sport: "The Norstar party is on hold. They have accumulated 45 out of 54 points which is an amazing achievement and congratulations to them for that. However, we need them to keep their champagne on ice until sometime in the middle of May and if we do we might just be opening it up instead"



- Tony Charles (Woodford) - QUOTE 1 - "In truth the boys had more tequila shots last night then shots on goal this morning

- Tony Charles (Woodford) - QUOTE 2 - "I would rather put my crown jewels in an egg-slicer then pick some of those players again!"

- David Garbacz (Hendon A) - QUOTE 1 - "It was an amazing morning - they will be showing prime suspect on BBC3 tonight, but I assure you you can't beat this for drama"

- Elliott Dagul (Brady B) - "At the beginning of the season, Harmen was earmarked as a family feud - 0 points and 0 goals...San Carlo on Castle!"

- Daniel Harrod (Brady B) - "Top win okay. Clean sheet and three bonus points ...glad I made @henryziff my captain on fantasy this week!"

- Ric Blank (Oakwood A) - "I think sometimes we're obsessed by names on paper - both our own team and the opposition. We need to learn that unless our-touch, passing and work-rate is of a high standard for 90 minutes names and reputations count for nothing. It's on the players to put in high-level performances to win the big games"

- Zack Gothelf (NLR C): "We've got two massive games in the next two weeks against two title challengers. If we come through those then the title could well be heading our way"

- Phil Peters (NLR A) - QUOTE 1 - "Whilst 45 points should be enough, Hendon are the only team in the MSFL capable of mounting such a comeback and if they manage to do it then it will mark a horrific three-months of sleepless nights and tortuous Sunday mornings"

- Phil Peters (NLR A) - QUOTE 2 - "We hope that the teams with little to play for will still be trying to raise their games when they play Hendon and be the team that denies them the title – it seems that the ‘anyone-but-Hendon’ club is growing and the Chairman’s upped his offer to an all-expenses paid trip to FYEO if Redbridge manage to do the business in three-weeks’ time"