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Why I’m eating my way through lockdown, and why you should be too

Worried about lockdown love handles? Intuitive eating may be the kinder way of shrinking them

June 18, 2020 09:37
3 min read

With summer fast approaching, magazine articles are encouraging us to get our bodies back, while giving tips on how to lose those extra lockdown pounds.

Despite my job as a nutritionist, I’m here to tell you that there’s no place for denial right now and we should all stop worrying.

During lockdown, food has had such focus. I’m currently enjoying the pleasure of new season peas-in-the-pod and English berries; the kindness of being included on a weekly challah rota and my favourite falafel shop delivering hot falafel to our door. We’ve eaten cookies, cakes and bread from yet another “maths” class — I’ve also never spent so much time in the kitchen.

With three ravenous boys and a constantly hungry husband, I’ve morphed into a balaboosta, endlessly cooking and doling out snacks. And in turn, this has increased my eating – it’s hard to resist warm just-baked pita or the last few chips from my kids’ plates.