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Making a number of your challah

Number challahs are all the rage at the moment. Here are some tips to make your own.

February 27, 2020 09:49
Food 5 edited.jpg
1 min read

This week, PJ Library's UK branch celebrates five years of providing children with Jewish books. Tthey asked me to help them celebrate their birthday with a number five shaped challah.

To create your own, you'll need a challah dough made with 1.5kg of flour. I recommend that amount of dough for each number or letter you want to make. That should feed 8 – 10 people.

Here are a few tips on how to get started: 

  • To form the number/letter, create long, thin challah braids by rolling out the dough into a thin, flat recangle.
  • Use a pizza cutter to cut long, thin strips of dough with smooth edges.
  • Shape the number on a baking paper-lined baking tray so there’s no need to move it once shaped.
  • Make the number big enough so it will keep its shape after the dough has expanded during the bake.
  • Before baking, fill any gaps in the number (such as the centre hole in a zero) with scrunched up foil so they do not close up during the bake.

Insta: challahmummy