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Fancy a gingerbread chanukiah or dreidel this Chanukah? I can help

Meet the award-winning baker who swapped a career selling houses for building them out of sugar

December 19, 2024 12:21
Jenny and her gingerbread house
3 min read

For years, Jenny Pasha watched her mum make cakes for special simchas and birthday celebrations.

One year, she had a Barbie cake with full elaborate skirt; other years there were ducks, trains and ski slopes with figurines.

Together, they would make fairy cakes — but it was the design, detail, and construction of the bakes that interested Pasha the most.

“I have memories of going through these baking books with my mum and looking at all the pictures of the cakes, thinking, ‘wow’,” she reflects. “I loved the creative side of making these amazing things.”