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October 13, 2016 11:20

ByTamara Corin, Tamara Corin

1 min read

I do spend most of my time in shul on spiritual matters, I swear. But just occasionally my mind wanders, and I start looking around at my fellow worshippers. It makes me happy to see that women are breaking free from boring black ensembles, trying bolder reds, funky headgear and quirky accessories. Of course no one looks their best when they're fasting, and Yom Kippur is the one day of the year when even a fashion maven isn't critical. But for Succot, I'm hoping to see women being as adventurous with their make-up as they are with their clothes.

All too often we play it safe, as though we've all queued up at the same Bobbi Brown counter to buy the same old shades for eyes, lip and cheeks. Let's shine for Succot! A flick of liner, a boost of blush brings character to your face, yet so many women are reluctant to try. Think outside your make-up box. There are plenty of tips on this page - why not start with your nails!