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How to feed your kids and keep them entertained this summer

Already plutzing about sky high summer holiday food bills? Read on...

July 26, 2018 11:14
Fruit picking is fun and gets them cooking afterwards

ByNicole Freeman, nicole freeman

2 min read

School’s out for summer. Tantrums and meltdowns are taking place countrywide — and that’s just the Jewish mothers. The prospect of catering three meals a day (plus snacks) while fielding endless whines of “I’m starving” for at least six weeks is daunting for any of us.

The problem for many will not only be a sharp rise in weekly food bills (plus the cost of meals and snacks grabbed on days out) but also the problem of keeping the nosh (reasonably) healthy, as many of those snacks are far from nutritious.

Here are some tips on how to have fun with the kids this summer, watch the pennies and eat healthily: