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How far has kosher dining really come?

Judy Jackson's view on haimishe meals out.

August 21, 2008 23:00

ByJudy Jackson, Judy Jackson

2 min read

The London kosher-restaurant scene has undergone a huge change. Take a trip along the Northern Line and you could stop off at 20 kosher restaurants. In place of traditional Ashkenazi food, you'll now find Persian, Israeli and American.

There is a flower shop selling pizzas and buffets groaning with curries and stir-fries. There's Mediterranean fish and pasta, a pub that does only chicken, steaks cooked on a griddle or served with foie gras - it all sounds good. There are over 100 kosher establishments in London. Boston, in the US, has just six. We should be grateful.

But the fact that we have so much choice does not guarantee quality. So are the restaurants good enough?