
Review: Addicted to Fresno

October 8, 2015 11:39
08102015 addicted to fresno

ByBrigit Grant, Brigit Grant

1 min read

Admitting to one's enjoyment of a bad-taste movie can be as risky as revealing one's political allegiance (unless it's to the far-left). People judge you on your taste and I thought about that as I was watching Addicted to Fresno, Jamie Babbit's film of Karey Dornetto's script about two sisters (one of whom is a sex addict in recovery and relapsing hugely) - covering up an accidental murder by disposing of the body at a pet cemetery. Doesn't sound too bad or too risky, does it, when you consider what the cast of the Hangover franchise got up to on their travels? Add to this the robbery of an adults-only toy store, the performance of a four-letter hip-hop Holocaust rap at a barmitzvah and flippant allegations of rape and you might start to question whether this is your kind of film, particularly as the protagonists are women - and that for me is the rub.

Blokes can do all sorts of crass, disgusting things on screen and film critics, who are almost all male, have no problem with it. But when the girls are calling the seedy shots…The girls in this case make up one of the best female casts I've seen all year, which is ironic in the week that Suffragette is released.

Destined to for ever be the co-star, Arrested Development's Judy Greer finally gets centre stage as irresponsible, lust-addict Shannon who inadvertently makes life hell for her gay sister Martha, played by Jewish actress Natasha Lyonne from TV's Orange is the New Black (both pictured left).

Together they rip up the screen with their banter as two hotel maids in Fresno, which looks like the bit of California you don't need to visit; and then when Shannon kills one of the guests during sex, they resort to some crazy antics out of necessity. Funny and occasionally touching, the film bounces along - and if you judge me for enjoying it, so be it.