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A female focus for a film festival held at home

JC film critic Linda Marric picks four of the best films from the UK Jewish Film Festival's programme - all available to stream at home

November 12, 2020 13:16
Radhika Atpe and Sarah Megan Thomas in A Call to Spy (23 October 2020) (Signature Entertainment UK)

ByLinda Marric, Linda Marric

4 min read

One of the great joys of the UK Jewish Film Festival is the chance it gives Jewish film fans to meet. Like family gatherings, there’s a cosy fellow feeling with members of the audience, and it’s rare to attend without bumping into a friend.

But this year it’s all different. Just like other film festivals this year, the UK Jewish Film Festival organisers have opted for a completely virtual experience. That’s a shame -— but the plus side is that more people can access films, without having to compete for tickets or schlep across town.

With this in mind, I’ve been dipping into the programme, looking for the variety and diversity which the festival is famed for. Here are four female-orientated films worth your attention.