A different kind of crime thriller intrigues Alan Montague
By Alan Montague
A youthful quartet whose parts begin at the ending
By Jennifer Lipman
Robert Low considers desperate departures
By Robert Low
A great novelist’s centenary triggers Bryan Cheyette’s memory
By Bryan Cheyette
Angela Kiverstein previews the annual Bookniks festival of children's books at JW3 on Sunday.
By Angela Kiverstein
"I’m almost like a shadow member of the Jewish community, always there asking questions.”
Fictional exploration of the darkest depths of reality
By Richard Berengarten
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Lines from a republic of letters
By Stoddard Martin
Explanations abound - from climate control to religious festivals
David Herman looks at the brilliant career of Aharon Appelfeld
By David Herman
Madeleine Kingsley praises a found-by-chance memoir
By Madeleine Kingsley
Entertaining wanderings from this memoir by Janet Wolff
By Daniel Sugarman
Deep Calls to Deep, edited by Rabbi Tony Bayfield, SCM, £40
By Rabbi Sylvia Rothschild
Sober recollections of Anne Frank writer
By Marina Gerner
David Herman on the first great American Jewish novel
You've heard of a condensed read, well here are some condensed reviews from 2017