Marina Gerner finds hope in a tale of a troubled hero in Claire Hajaj's fiction
By Marina Gerner
This weekend Natalie Livingstone hosts the second Cliveden Literary Festival.
By Gerald Jacobs
Anne Garvey salutes a grounded American feminist
By Anne Garvey
Angela Kirverstein reviews various books for kids age 3+
By Angela Kiverstein
Madeleine Kingsley reviews Lisa Zeidner's 'Layover', which explores grief expressed as wild sexual abandon
By Madeleine Kingsley
Ahron Bregman commends a deadly investigation by Ronen Bergman
By Ahron Bregman
Ben Barkow reviews Steven J Zipperstein's portrait of a prototype pogrom with pieces missing
By Ben Barkow
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Jonathan Margolis finds Seth Greenland's The Hazards of Good Fortune is too good to be a movie
By Jonathan Margolis
Justice for All, Jeremiah Unterman, JPS, £29.99
By Simon Rocker
Angela Kiverstein reviews some children's books that will leave you spellbound by creative storytelling
Jennifer Lipman reviews Alison Pick's novel about the pitfalls for pioneering families in the Jewish utopia of kibbutz life
By Jennifer Lipman
Hester Abrams reviews Yael Neeman's book about the bleaker side of kibbutz life
By Hester Abrams
Angela Kiverstein reviews various books for children from age 11+
David Herman explores a novel in which a father’s footsteps are too big for his feckless son
By David Herman
Madeleine Kingsley enjoys a slice of contemporary American fiction
Gloria Tessler admires a tale of truth, lies and guilt
By Gloria Tessler