This eye-opening and timely book includes weaving into a local story the larger history of the European blood libel, says Howard Cooper
By Rabbi Howard Cooper
Sipora Levy on Rosemary Schonfeld's 'moving' memoir
By Sipora Levy
Roseman’s book is a brilliant, humane and timely historical study, writes Alun David
By Alun David
A work of painstaking scholarship, exhibited in 130 pages of endnotes, writes Bernard Wasserstein
By Bernard Wasserstein
This definitive study illuminates ways in which Sasportas’s text and conservative stance 'came to serve as a stand-in for a habit of mind that rejected novelty', writes Howard Cooper
Wheldon’s passion for his subject shines through, writes Daniel Sugarman
By Daniel Sugarman
This is a familiar story, but one that is meticulously researched and told with the coherence and clarity, writes Mark Glanville
By Mark Glanville
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Jennifer Lipman reviews Simon’s Wife by L. M. Affrossman
By Jennifer Lipman
Saraga tells the story not only of who was left behind in Berlin, but also of what, says David Herman
By David Herman
Nathan Shapow's memoir tells one man’s extraordinary story of heroism, defiance and fortitude that touched the lives of many others, says Ahron Bregman
By Ahron Bregman
Angela Kiverstein reviews four children's books
By Angela Kiverstein
Now in her eighties but as vigorous as ever, Ursula Owen details her rich and satisfying career as a significant figure in the progressive politics of the late 20th century
By Robert Low
This book tells the story of how the great Albert Einstein was rescued from the clutches of the Nazis by an Englishman
By Monica Porter
America, Neiman feels, can and should learn from the Germans, a thesis she examines at length, says Daniel Snowman
By Daniel Snowman
A long but inspiring account of the life and times of David Ben-Gurion, says Colin Shindler
By Colin Shindler