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Are you the next Chagall? Enter Arthouse and find out

May 18, 2012 11:08
Last year’s Art House winners, Aileen Jampel (left)

BySimon Round, Simon Round

5 min read

After last year’s successful exhibition, Art House returns this year to the London Jewish Cultural Centre. Artists, whether amateur or professional, are invited to submit up to three works. The best of these will be displayed at the LJCC’s home at Ivy House in north London.
So what are the judges looking for? And what distinguishes a great painting from an ordinary one? We asked four Art House judges about the process of deciding which entries should be displayed at the exhibition.

Julia Weiner
Teacher and art critic
l “The first thing to catch my eye is composition. Is the piece nicely composed? Does it please the eye? Or maybe it is quite jarring, but still compelling.

“Colour is really important to me. Of course, there are prints and drawing which are not coloured, but if it is a painting, I am attracted to daring, inventive or pleasing use of colour.

“The ability to draw well is also crucial. Anyone can see that Picasso can draw amazingly well even though his figures might not be not the way one would see them in real life. Line versus colour is a big art historical debate. A lot of the work we get in Art House is traditionally figurative and in those works I would be looking for something to show that the artist is able to draw and can cope with perspective.