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The complex Jewish past of Bob Dylan

From bar mitzvah boy to born-again Christian releasing gospel music, then back to Judaism, the singer-songwriter is a walking contradiction of Jewishness

January 16, 2025 10:02
Bob Dylan at his son's bar mitzvah at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, September 20, 1983. (AP Photo/Zavi Cohen)
4 min read

Bob Dylan, while a global megastar and folk icon for the past six decades, is not often thought of as a Jewish icon. But, the life of Robert Allen Zimmerman is filled with Jewish moments from his cheder days to his brushes with Chabad. 

A very Jewish upbringing

Born Robert Allen Zimmerman, in Minnesota, Dylan has the Hebrew name Shabtai (derived from the word Shabbat) Zisl (meaning sweet) ben Avraham, and was bar mitzvahed on May 22, 1954. He attended cheder at the Orthodox synagogue Agudas Achim, and spent his summer holidays at the Herzl Camp in Wisconsin.