1. BEN HALMER (Jewdinese) - "single-handedly won the Zebras the game. Two or three superb saves during the game before two penalty saves and the winning penalty, what a day for him! He was outstanding"
2. JOSH PAMPEL (Borussia Barnet) - "pulling strings and was brilliant on the ball"
3. BENJY ISRAEL (Faithfold DocMM Green) - "solid and won a penalty" against Scrabble
4. ED BRAFMAN (NL Raiders) - "solid at CB as per. Not let in a goal from open play since October"
5. JOSH BLOOM (NL Raiders) - "Captain fantastic. Not let in a goal from open play since October"
6. ASH DIAMOND (NL Raiders) - "huge cameo today. Influenced the game having come on at 2-1"
7. JORDAN NATHAN (NL Raiders) - "4 goals. An absolute joke. Would be unplayable if he had a left foot. Goal of the season contender too!"
8. OLLIE HART (Borussia Barnet) - "first 2 goals and set the tone for a dominant performance. He was dangerous throughout."
9. MITCHELL GERBER (Borussia Barnet) - "2 goals 3 assists, can’t ask for much more. The driving force for us going forward as he is every game"
10. MARK WAGMAN (MLFC Brady) - hat-trick hero in the MMFL Cup
11. ANDREW BRUMMER (St John’s Wood Tigers) - fired a treble in Masters Cup
PLAYER OF THE WEEK: Jordan Nathan (NL Raiders)
MANAGER OF THE WEEK: Gideon Gale & David Isaacs (NL Raiders)
GOAL OF THE WEEK: Jordan Nathan (North London Raiders)
SAVE OF THE WEEK: Ben Halmer (Jewdinese)
LATEST NEWS: All grass-roots football, including the MGBSFL, in England has been suspended indefinitely following new guidelines from the government regarding Coronavirus, from Monday, March 16, 2020.
MGBSFL chairman David Wolff said: “The Management Committee have suspended the Maccabi GB Southern Football League with immediate effect until further notice.
“We will keep a constant watch on developments and advise you of updates. I strongly recommend that you read the London Football Association website. We obviously can’t say when (or even if) there will be a resumption of play for this season.” FULL STORY