Don't shell out serious cash if you need the flu jab. First, find out if you are entitled to a free one from your GP's surgery. Many people are: if you are over 65, have diabetes, are being treated for cancer, have a long-term chronic condition and more.
If you don't qualify, head to either a Lloyds Pharmacy or a Sainsbury's or Asda branch that includes a pharmacy.
All three are offering a jab for around £8. Plus, Sainsbury's gives Nectar points on top. Call 0845 652 2482 to book an appointment at Lloyds Pharmacy, 0800 636 262 for Sainsbury's or 0844 481 5000 for Asda. But it's first come first served until stocks last, and you must be at least 18 years old.
Do ensure that a flu jab is appropriate for you though. Check the NHS website or speak to your doctor or nurse before getting it done.
There are full details at