I was in the process of posting a response to your reply to me when the Webmaster closed down the thread presumably because of the abject level to which the discussion had fallen.
First I am not sure why it should concern you what name or picture I use. I blog under an alias simply because from experience some bloggers deem it appropriate to abuse anyone who does not agree with their view.
I do live in what the British Government considers to be a "settlement" why you should think I would make that up is your problem.
I believe you totally misunderstood the point I was trying to make. I am talking fact not opinion. By your comments it is obvious that you completely fail to appreciate the fact (not opinion) that Jewish children have been greatly traumatised with fear by the terror that has been visited on them by the Arabs (consider the high proportion of Jewish children who are victims of terror) which of course is the whole purpose of terrorism - is it not? Living in the UK how could you possibly understand the fear many Jewish children feel when confronted by an Arab adult having no idea whether or not they mean them harm so they adopt the safest course and for this you call them prejudiced? Unlike Palestinian Authority school textbooks which teach hatred of Jews one of the prime reasons for any lack of progress in peace talks Jewish school textbooks contain no such material. So you project your own prejudices and consider the settlers to be what - xenophobic? Let me put this another way when I was a child growing up in London's East End there were certain streets I would never use if I was on my own. To do so as an obviously Jewish child would invariably invite a beating just for the fun of it and anti-Semitic abuse. Was I therefore being prejudicial to the other non-Jewish residents of those streets when I took a detour rather than risk a beating?
Reply to Mathew Harris
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