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I confess – I dread Pesach cleaning

Even if you think you’ve eliminated every crumb there’s room for failure

April 10, 2024 10:46
Angela Epstein's hard at work with the hoover
2 min read

I’m crouching on the floor, one arm curled over my head, the other stretched out to snapping point. I haven’t signed up for the latest form of Pilates (“guaranteed to give you the body you deserve”) and neither am I engaged in adult practices rarely reported in a family newspaper.

Both those things are infinitely preferable to what I am doing, though: Pesach cleaning.

It’s really not fun squatting in our utility room trying to probe the darkest corners of various cupboards to wake pots and pans from sticky hibernation and then scrub the grime and, eek, cobwebs left in their wake.

Begone those women who are so organised they started scouring their Pesach drawers before the end of 12th night. Begone too the optimists who merrily mitigate the awfulness of the annual Passover sluice down by maintaining it’s an opportunity for some spring cleaning. Every year, I dread turning the house inside out to expunge any trace of chametz.

