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Resignation isn’t the right answer to the BBC Jewish problem

Rabbi YY Rubinstein crossed a line in labelling any Jew who appears on the BBC as lacking pride in their Jewishness. The best way to counter BBC bias is by speaking on its programmes

January 13, 2022 17:03
3 min read

For the past 30 years, Rabbi YY Rubinstein has been a regular contributor to various BBC religion slots such as Radio 2’s Good Morning Sunday and Pause for Thought.

Last week, Rabbi YY declared he would work for the BBC no more. This was primarily in protest against the extraordinary affair of the boys on the Chanukah bus.

In case you missed it, at the end of November a group of men making Nazi salutes, some or all of whom appeared to be Muslim, abused a group of Orthodox teenagers who had got off a hired bus in Oxford Street to dance to celebrate Chanukah.

A video of the attack, in which the men also spat at the bus and hit it with a shoe, was widely circulated and used in a report on the BBC website. But the BBC also reported that an anti-Muslim slur — originally said to be “slurs” — was heard from inside the bus.
