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Jerry Sadowitz often pushes boundaries, but that's exactly the point

The comedian offers one of the purest forms of risqué comedy out there

August 15, 2022 16:27
Jerry Sadowitz
2 min read

Jerry Sadowitz, a stalwart of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for the last three decades, has had his show cancelled. Not a metaphorical Twitter cancellation, but a real-life cancellation that will affect his back pocket.

Having played said show in front 600 people so far, it now transpires that it allegedly took just one single complaint from an audience member for the iconic Fringe venue The Pleasance to cancel all further performances. 

In their statement, the venue indicated that the production, ironically titled Jerry Sadowitz: Not For Everyone, was cancelled because his (self-admittedly) risqué and controversial act, "does not align with the venue's values”.

In reality and as pointed out by many of us on Twitter over the last 24 hours, it’s safe to say that Jerry’s act doesn't even align with the comedian's own values. As a frequent attendee at the Fringe, the way I have always seen Sadowitz’s comedy is as an extreme form of  Brechtian alienation technique.