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Spice up your New Year celebrations

Make the most of the early chagim by choosing these summery, Sephardi flavours for gatherings on the High Holy Days

August 22, 2013 10:18
Spicy harrisa

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

5 min read

Silvia Nacamulli’s
Spicy harissa

This version of harissa — also called Felfel uciuma — is a key ingredient in Libyan Jewish cuisine. It is simple, without many ingredients, with a real kick of hot spicy chilli. The lemon gives flavour and helps preserve it for a long time if chilled. Once you learn how to make this simple recipe you’ll always have a little jar in the fridge which you can use to spice up any of your dishes.

Preparation: 10 minutes
Makes: a 100ml jar, approximately

3-4 garlic cloves, crushed
2 lemons, juice only
½ tsp salt
3 tbsp dry chilli, powder or crushed
Extra virgin olive oil to cover the jar