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The best chopped liver ever

A next-level version of everyone's Friday night favourite

November 8, 2024 07:00
Shiri Amir Chopped liver port
1 min read

Cook: 25 minutes

Serves: 4

You’ll always find someone who says they know the secret for the absolute best version of this Ashkenazi classic, and that nothing tastes like theirs/their bubba’s/auntie Rivka’s. I have no need to brag as I know I have the secret — taking your time. Caramelising the onions low and slow gives the dish its unique texture and flavour. You can use a flavourless vegetable oil, but for a really great flavour, use kosher chicken fat (shmaltz). Finally, hand chop your livers. But most important, nice and slow: you’ll really taste the difference.


  • Warm the oil over a very low heat in a large pan and fry the onions in with some salt until soft and caramelised, stirring continuously. The onions should turn a very light colour — do not let them brown or they’ll be bitter. This should take you 10-15 minutes.

  • Add the chicken livers and chicken fat (or extra oil) and cook for another 10 minutes or so until cooked through.

  • Reserving the liquid from the pan, drain it off, cool and then refrigerate the chicken livers and fat in one dish and the drained liquid in another. 


1 tbsp flavourless oil (sunflower/rapeseed)
4 medium white onions (about 400g), roughly chopped
500g chicken livers
1 tbsp chicken fat (shmaltz) (or flavourless oil)
3 large eggs, hard boiled
Salt, pepper