
Honey aubergine towers

A lovely vegan option for Rosh Hashanah celebrations


To mark the year of the Beijing Olympics, if I were a Chinese JP, this would definitely be "The year of the shoe". After all, heels are reaching new heights, and suddenly Jewish Princesses no longer have Jewish legs. We are now up there with our counterparts (Mariah Carey eat your heart out), with long slender Princess Pins.

However, this is definitely NOT the year of the "bag" if you shop in a certain supermarket (you know the one). You now need to write a note and stick it in your car to remind yourself to fill the boot with carrier bags. Otherwise, you will find yourself buying yet another "bag for life".

It may not be "the year of the shoe" or even "the year of the bag", but since when does a Jewish Princess need an excuse? So this week, what does The Jewish Princess make in homage to her new pair of very, VERY high heels? Aubergine towers, of course.

Serves 4

2 aubergines medium sized around 776g in total
1 tablespoon olive oil
salt and pepper
1 beef tomato cubed
2 spring onions finely chopped (white part only)
500g tahina paste
clear honey
50g pine kernels

● Preheat the oven - 350°f, 180°c, gas mark 4
● Trim the stalks of the aubergines and cut approximately into three 6cm pieces. Any leftovers can be cooked and diced for later.
● With a sharp knife, make deep intersecting cuts in the exposed flesh to form a lattice design.
● Brush each top and bottom with olive oil.
● Place on a baking sheet.
● Season the aubergines with salt and pepper.
● Place in hot oven for approximately 50 minutes until the aubergines are tender and lightly brown on the surface.
● While they cook, take a small frying pan and dry roast the pine kernels to a light brown colour. This happens quickly so keep a close eye so they do not burn.
● Mix the onions and tomatoes together.
● Remove aubergines from the oven and leave to cool.Remove the aubergines from the oven and leave to cool.
To plate:
● Take two tablespoons of tahina and swirl a circle around a dinner plate with a fork.
Place one of the aubergine stacks in the middle of the plate.
● Squirt some honey over the tahina.
● Place a couple of tablespoons of tomato on top of the aubergine and scatter a teaspoon of pine kernels over the plate.
● If you have any extra small pieces of aubergine, dice and scatter over the plate.

JP's Notes: this dish can be plated before your guests arrive so you can change out of your slippers and into your very, VERY high heels.

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