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Prickly pear (sabra), goat’s cheese and anchovy salad

Make the most of this Israeli favourite fruit while it’s available in shops here

September 18, 2024 13:59
Photo: Inbal Bar-Oz
1 min read

Prickly pears aka sabras or Barbary figs — are all names for the fruit of the Opuntia cactus, native to Israel. The term "Sabra" also symbolizes Israelis' pride in being natives of this land. Just like the Sabra, Israelis can seem tough and spiky on the outside, but at heart, we’re soft and sweet.

This fruit ripens throughout the summer and lasts until October, making it an ideal ingredient for the High Holidays. My salad places this wonderful fruit centre stage, combining it with a sweet and tangy honey vinaigrette, fresh mint, goat cheese, and a touch of chili. For an added twist, I include sardines or anchovies—though you can omit them if they're not to your taste.

This is not just a sweet or a fruit salad; it's a dish that, for me, represents the new Israeli identity. It’s an identity that boldly blends past and future, vibrant, sweet, and spicy, and embraces life with big, hearty bites.

You’ll find prickly pears in continental supermarkets and speciality greengrocers.