Get ready for the Seder with this festive challenge
April 18, 2024 09:33Only requires knowledge of the biblical text.
1. How many plagues affected only the Egyptians while the Israelites and their animals were unharmed?
2. When were the ancient Israelites allowed to start eating their Passover meals?
3. What happened at midnight on the night of the tenth plague?
4. Which men in the Bible bake unleavened bread?
5. What are the three reasons given to Pharaoh for sending the Israelites to the desert?
6. Do the Israelites ever ask Pharaoh for their freedom?
7. Where do we first learn first that children must be told about the Exodus?
8. How old were Moses and Aaron at the time of the plagues?
9. What did the Israelites claim would happen to them if Pharaoh did not let them to go into the desert “to hold a feast to the Lord”?
10. Why could the Israelites not sacrifice in Egypt?
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Answers: 1. five: boils (Exodus 9:8 12); murrain (9:3 4); hail and thunder (9:24 25); darkness (10:23); the deaths of the first-born sons.
2. At night (Exodus 12:8), usually taken to mean “at sunset”.
3. the Lord struck the first born sons at midnight (Exodus 12:29).
4. Lot (Genesis 19:3); Gideon (Judges 6:19).
5. to celebrate a feast to the Lord (Exodus 5:1); to sacrifice to the Lord, (5:3): to serve the Lord (7:16, 7:26; 8:16; 9:1, 9:13, 10:3, 10:24, 12:31).
6. No. The famous phrase, “Let my people go” translates the Hebrew request “to send my people”, shluch et ami for the purpose of one of the three reasons noted above (see answer to question 5). Exodus 12:39 notes only that the Israelites were “expelled”, gorshu.
7. Exodus 12:26.
8. Moses was 80. Aaron was 83, (Exodus 7:7).
9. The Israelites would suffer with pestilence, or the sword, (Exodus 5:3).
10. Moses claimed that the Israelites would be stoned by the Egyptians, (Exodus 8:22)