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Rabbi I Have a Problem

Should I try to dissuade someone from going to a faith healer?

Rabbi, I have a problem

July 30, 2015 13:40

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

Question: A relative of mine with a serious illness has started going to a faith healer. But I am sceptical about such practices and believe I ought to dissuade her, even though the healer does not ask for any money. Does Judaism have any objections — after all, there are examples of healing in the Bible.

Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is the CEO of the Spiritual Capital Foundation.

Not only are there examples of faith healing in the Bible but the Bible's attitude to physical health is intimately bound to spiritual health. The great biblical scholar Nachmanides, who ironically earned his living as a physician, states in his commentary on Leviticus 26 that in the idealised period of the Bible when the righteous fell ill, they wouldn’t turn to a physician but rather seek the healing powers of a prophet. The idea being that all physical illness is but a manifestation of a spiritual malady which can be overcome through the help of a spiritual guide.

The Talmud is replete with Akkadian spells and incantations for healing various diseases. Despite their close connection with sorcery and witchcraft, which are clearly proscribed in the Bible, the rabbis tend to permit at least certain incantations as medically effective and halachically permitted.