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Rabbi I Have a Problem

Can I use Skype to form a virtual minyan?

Rabbi, I have a problem

July 3, 2015 08:14

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

3 min read

Question:I have a very small, scattered family and do not know many Jews locally. If we have a shivah and lack a minyan, could we ask relatives and friends to Skype in and form a virtual minyan?

Rabbi Naftali Brawer

Naftali Brawer is the CEO of the Spiritual Capital Foundation.

While the talmudic rabbis could not have imagined a Skype-based virtual minyan, they did address the fundamental question as to whether all participants in a minyan are required to be present in the same room.

In the Talmud Tractate Megillah it states: "It is required for all 10 to be in one place and the prayer leader must be with them. One who stands in the doorway so that if the door were closed he would be outside, is considered outside [and not counted as part of the minyan]."