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The search for an alternative Zion

The Land of Israel was not the only place where idealists sought to found a new Jewish homeland

September 5, 2022 17:00
Reflection of a sunset by a lagoon inside the Amazon Rainforest Basin. The Amazon river basin comprises the countries of Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, Peru and Venezuela.
3 min read

The state of Israel is such an established fact that it seems inconceivable that a national Jewish home could have been anywhere else.

Many of us will know that a British offer to start a Jewish settlement in Uganda was turned down by the World Zionist Organisation, the year after Herzl’s death.

But other locations for a Jewish colony across the globe were to be explored over the next 40 years or so, including Kimberley in Northern Australia, Suriname (Dutch Guiana) and Madagascar.

Those efforts are the focus of a new book by the Sheffield University historian Laura Almagor, Beyond Zion, which shows that Jewish politics in the pre-War and immediate post-War years were more complex and diverse than we might think.