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The Jewish Chronicle

Firemen ignore the real fires

While the unions are being asked to demonise Israel, one courageous cleric faces up to the real demons

September 17, 2009 11:57

ByGeoffrey Alderman, Geoffrey Alderman

2 min read

This week, the Fire Brigades Union asked the Trades Union Congress to support a motion exhorting the massed ranks of the British trades-union movement to endorse a policy of boycott, divestment and sanctions against the state of Israel. Under the motion, the TUC would have to promote a boycott of goods and services originating from Israel, and do its damndest to encourage divestment from companies operating in the territories. Additionally, the TUC would be obliged to reconsider its relationship with the Histadrut, its Israeli counterpart.

Why the FBU should preoccupy itself with matters of international diplomacy when the overriding concern of its members must (I would have thought) be with their own pay and conditions (to say nothing of the putting-out of fires) is beyond me.

So, taking a deep breath, I telephoned their press office in the hope of finding an answer to this question. As I waited for the acting head of this department to return my call, a friend drew my attention to an altogether more positive story.

At the beginning of this month, Dr Michael Nazir-Ali retired as Bishop of Rochester. To mark the occasion, he is establishing a charity to support persecuted Christians living in the Islamic world.