d) eight
e) nine
2) What is the name of the prayers recited on Succot during the procession around the synagogue?
a) Tefillat Haderech
b) Hoshanot
c) Hallel
d) Halleluyot
e) Selichot
3) What type of tree does a lulav come from?
a) pine
b) palm
c) weeping Willow
d) oak
e) cedar
4) The Ushpizin are…?
a) types of fruit we use to decorate the succah
b) famous Jewish characters who are said to join us each day in the succah
c) special cakes eaten on Succot
d) leaves used to cover the succah
e) the walls of the succah
5) Which megillah is read on Succot?
a) Shir Hashirim
b) Kohelet
c) Esther
d) Eichah
e) Rut
6) Spot the odd one out:
a) hadassim
b) etrog
c) aravot
d) lulav
e) sufganiot
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Answers 1c, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6e (doughnuts are eaten on Chanucah - the rest are the four species used on Succot