1. The 10 days from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur are called the Ten Days of:
a. Sadness
b. Joy
c. Forgiveness
d. Repentance
e. Judgement
2. On Rosh Hashanah how many notes do we blow on the shofar?
a. 100
b. 120
c. 124
d. 130
e. 144
3. Which of these was not a rabbi of the medieval period?
a. Hillel
b. Rashi
c. Rambam
d. Ramban
e. Yehuda Halevi
4. The gematria of which Hebrew word adds up to 585?
a. Shofar
b. Tashlich
c. Tekiah
d. Shanah
e. Tovah
5. For approximately how many years did Jews worship at the second Bet Hamikdash?
a. 70
b. 248
c. 360
d. 586
e. 613
6. Which of the following foods traditionally eaten on Rosh Hashanah is also one of the seven species?
a. Apple
b. Pomegranate
c. Carrot
d. Pumpkin
e. Fish
7. What is the prayer Baruch She’amar about?
a. God’s mercy
b. God’s glory
c. God’s power
d. God’s chosen people
e. God’s joy
8. The Mishnah says “Whoever saves a life, saves an entire _____”
a. family
b. legacy
c. village
d. nation
e. world
9. What is the Hebrew name for a Torah scribe?
a. shomer
b. sofer
c. ozer
d. moreh
e. rabbi
10. What is the berachah for eating fish?
a. Shehakol
b. Al hamichyah
c. Borei p’ri ha’adamah
d. Birkat hamazon
e. Hamotzi
Illustrations; Miki Shaw
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Answers 1d, 2a, 3a,4c, 5d, 6b, 7a, 8e,9b, 10a