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Second Stamford Hill school criticised by Ofsted for refusing to teach LGBT issues

Inspectors say girls at Bnos Zion should know more about equality

July 19, 2019 13:50
1 min read

For the second time in a week, a Chasidic school in Stamford Hill has been taken to task by Ofsted for refusing to mention LGBT people.

Inspectors said Bnos Zion of Bobov girls’ school, which has 230 girls on its roll from three to 13, unnecessarily restricted girls’ knowledge of equality issues.

Earlier this week the Wiznitz Cheder School, which teaches boys of a similar age range, was criticised for failing to comply with equality requirements.

On the positive side, Bnos Zion was ranked inadequate a year ago but climbed one grade higher this time to a school which “requires improvement”.