Family & Education

Ofsted tells Charedi school that will not teach LGBT equality it must change

New Ofsted report shows limits of concessions to faith schools

July 17, 2019 13:12
Celebrating diversity: Pride in London 2019 (Photo: Getty Images)
1 min read

A Chasidic boys’ school in Stamford Hill has been told by Ofsted it is failing to meet independent school standards because it will not teach about same-sex relations.

The report on Wiznitz Cheder School, which teaches boys from three to 13, is significant because the inspection took place after changes in government guidelines that Charedi leaders hoped would ease the pressure on their schools.

While independent schools are required to refer to LGBT equality, the revised guidelines in April left it to schools to decide what age this would be appropriate.

But Ofsted’s report on Wiznitz shows that schools will still be expected to address LGBT issues in the early year of secondary school.

The school, which was graded as inadequate a year ago, received a follow-up inspection last month.

Wiznitz’s leaders were clear that “making pupils aware of sexual orientation and gender reassignment in year seven goes against the school’s Orthodox Jewish ethos,” Ofsted said.

The inspectorate insisted, “Without simple changes, the school will continue to fail to meet these requirements.”

Ofsted acknowledged that the school had taken steps to improve its secular education but further progress was necessary. English literacy remained “poor”, it said.