Family & Education

Pupils quarantining at two London Jewish schools

A number of children and staff are self-isolating at JFS and Clore Shalom

September 30, 2020 11:30
1 min read

A number of pupils were quarantining this week in at least two London Jewish schools after the detection of coronavirus cases. 

JFS parents were told on Tuesday that most teachers in the history department were in self-isolation after “a confirmed case of coronavirus” in the school. 

Two year groups at Clore Shalom Primary in Shenley are also self-isolating. 

JFS headteacher Rachel Fink wrote that “the small number of children and staff who have been in close contact with the individual who has tested positive for coronavirus” have been told to stay at home for 14 days from the date of contact, which was either Tuesday or Wednesday last week depending on the class. 

As a result of the test, “the majority of teachers in the history department are also required to isolate.” The department will return next Tuesday. 

Karen Cohen, headteacher at Clore Shalom, said it had been notified of “a positive test result within our school community”. 

After consultations with Hertfordshire County Council Public Health, “we were instructed to tell pupils and teachers in two year groups to self isolate,” she said. 

“Fortunately this is a scenario we have worked hard to prepare for and had clear procedures in place in order to respond quickly. We have been getting all pupils used to using Google Classrooms since the start of term and both classes will continue to have a full programme of remote learning via the platform.

“While the pandemic continues, this is likely to be a common scenario played out in schools up and down the county and our main concern is for the mental and physical welfare of all our staff, pupils and their families.” 

A Clore Shalom parent said the classes involved were year 4 and 5