
Health warning: Don't share your lulav or etrog - and no dancing on Simchat Torah

United Synagogue issues advice for upcoming festivals based on government restrictions

September 29, 2020 09:15
(Photo: Getty Images)
1 min read

United Synagogue communities have been told not to share lulav and etrog sets among congregants in order to be Covid-compliant. 

Rabbis and rebbetzins have been issued with new guidelines for the remaining festivals in the wake of tighter new social distancing measures. 

While the US had previously suggested how synagogues could use communal arba minim, it says the changing situation has brought a clear message from government that “we should not facilitate the use of shared items in any way”. 

Those who bring their own lulav and etrog sets to synagogue should not let them be touched by anyone else. 

The communal succah cannot be used for socialising but should be available to those who do not have a succah at home. 

Members should be offered a small carton of drink and a pre-packed biscuit to make kiddush in the succah. 

Household groups should keep a distance of at least three metres inside the succah and should queue to go in. 

Succot should be constructed to be as “open-sided” as permissible. 

Those taking part in hoshanot – the ceremonial circuits of the arba minim – should keep two metres apart and everyone must wear masks. 

On Simchah Torah, the hakafot procession of Torah scrolls should continue but with no dancing.  

“No more than one person should touch or carry a particular scroll over the course of the festival,” the US said. “The most straightforward way to achieve this is by asking the same people to carry the Sifrei Torah for all seven hakafot in the evening and morning.” 

Under no circumstances can a Sefer be passed from one person to another, the US has made clear. 

The bridegrooms of the law can be honoured in the traditional way by being called up but a tallit cannot be held over the chatan.