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Hertsmere Jewish Primary parents fight expansion plan

Concern that school will not be able to fill places if it increases to three form entry

March 12, 2020 13:10

BySimon Rocker, simon rocker

2 min read

Parents from Hertsmere Jewish Primary School are objecting to plans to expand it to three forms of entry as part of a prospective merger with Moriah Jewish Primary.

Asher Teren and Danielle Green, the newly elected parent governors for HJPS, have warned of “a real risk that the places may not be filled, and would remain empty” or the Orthodox school would have to accept some non-Jewish children.

The merger plan, drawn up because of falling numbers at Moriah in Pinner, is due to go to the Department for Education for approval following a consultation with parents.

Both schools are part of the Jewish Community Academy Trust (JCAT), the new consortium which was launched by the United Synagogue last year.