Family & Education

Hertsmere Jewish Primary is making progress, Ofsted says after new visit

Most parents positive about steps taken to remedy weaknesses at school downgraded earlier this year, inspectorate finds

July 16, 2019 16:37
1 min read

Leaders of Hertsmere Jewish Primary School have “acted swiftly” to address weaknesses following the school’s Ofsted downgrade from outstanding to inadequate earlier this year.

In a follow-up visit to check progress a few weeks ago, inspector Fiona Webb said HJPS had taken steps to ensure safeguarding concerns were now dealt with “quickly and confidentially” after criticisms made when the school was inspected six months ago.

Most parents agreed that the school’s leadership were acting with “increasing professionalism and integrity”, Ms Webb told headteacher Rita Alak-Levi.

“The school’s recent parent survey also demonstrates that most parents are positive about leaders’ actions to improve the school,” the Ofsted inspector said.

But some parents remained unclear about the reasons behind decisions taken by the school’s leadership or unsure how to raise concerns or if these would be handled appropriately.

She recommended the school take further steps to ensure that parents felt comfortable raising concerns.

Leaders were developing a “more open relationship with parents,” she said. Regular coffee mornings were held for parents to find out about school life.

A number of parents told the JC last week that they had felt inhibited about raising issues with the Ofsted inspector during her follow-up letter.

As well as speaking to a group of pupils, the inspector reported that she had spoken to “parents and carers at the start of the school day, held an open meeting with a group of parents at the end of the school day, and made myself available for private discussions with parents”.

She also took into account the 30 responses to the recent Ofsted online survey, 15 emails from parents and 47 staff responses.

Ms Webb revealed that one of the two acting deputy heads had been on leave since the inspection in January.

HJPS chairman of governors Iain Blakeley told parents: “As you can see, we're making excellent progress to address the areas identified in the previous Ofsted inspection.”