
Young Jewish Blind & Disabled supporters clean up from dirty work

Tough Mudder challenge raises £15,000

July 19, 2018 11:57
Very muddy halfway through
1 min read

It was a dirty job. But one 21 students and young professionals were happy to undertake as they raised £15,000 for Jewish Blind & Disabled’s young patron campaign in a Tough Mudder challenge in Hemel Hempstead.

Working as a team, they completed the five mile endurance test incorporating 13 obstacles.

Patron Chloe Adelstone said that although the challenge was as tough as the title implied, “we managed to pull through and we are delighted with the generous donations we received from our friends and family”.

JBD chief executive Hazel Kaye said: “It was incredible to see the amount of effort these young people put into the challenge. The money they raised will help our tenants continue to overcome obstacles of their own.”

In its fifth year, the young patron campaign has raised more than £250,000.