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Building a better future for those with a disability

Work on Jewish Blind & Disabled's latest development is nearing completion. But demand for JBD apartments far outstrips supply

June 22, 2018 09:37
John Joseph MBE Hazel Kaye & Malcolm Ozin MBE

ByBarry Toberman, barry toberman

1 min read

Hard hats and hi vis jackets are obligatory at Jewish Blind & Disabled’s Bushey property as JBD chief executive Hazel Kaye receives a first-hand update on the progress of the second phase of the site’s development.

Guided by a construction team leader, she comments admiringly on how the building is taking shape, highlighting features such as a roof terrace and rooms with some pleasingly bucolic views. “Every time I come here, it’s amazing how things have moved on.”

One of the final elements of the £6.7 million second phase will be a walkway linking the new building to the existing one, which is home to 60 tenants.

Construction work is expected to be completed around October and interviews with prospective tenants for the 19 flats — four of them two bedroom — will begin in autumn.