The Jewish Chronicle

Campus Notebook: May 9, 2014

May 8, 2014 14:07
DJs LJT and Boldstein
1 min read


Oxford’s student airwaves were abuzz last week with the launch of Oxide Radio’s new show, JewkBoxOx. Presented by union president-elect Louis Trup and student journo Ben Goldstein – or LJT and Boldstein to their avid listeners – the weekly segment features “yiddishe tunes, a dollop of schmooze and, most of all, good ol’ fashioned chutzpah”. The pair said they were “unmeasurably excited” ahead of the launch. “If we crack double figures in listeners, our neurotic Jewish mothers will shep more nachas than when we got into Oxford,” they said. “So do us a favour, and tune in.” Listen online at


Sheffield’s JSoc president Noam Yossef and Durham postgrad Ben Kasstan accompanied UJS president Joe Tarsh to Macedonia last week for the European Union of Jewish Students’ five-day Holocaust Commemoration seminar. Aiming to “broaden the participants’ knowledge of the Balkan Jewish community’s fate during the Holocaust”, the trip brought students together from around the world, as well as Macedonian Jews still living in the area. According to Ben: “You really felt and shared the sense of loss caused by the Shoah. But, equally, we saw the spirit of revival and determination to redevelop Jewish life in Macedonia.”


Israel came to Birmingham last Shabbat for a Yom Ha’atzmaut-inspired Friday-night dinner. More than 60 guests tucked into a feast of falafel, pita bread, tahini and more — tirelessly prepared by the JSoc committee. President Simon Goldich said: “It provided a time for students to socialise and relax amid exam revision.”
Hard work and hummus — the perfect pairing.