The Jewish Chronicle

Campus Notebook: May 8, 2015

May 7, 2015 10:52
Survival spaghetti with Birmingham Chabad

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read


With exams looming the JC asked students, chaplains and rabbis what they were doing to combat exam stress and ensure a refreshing revision break - unsurprisingly most solutions were food-based.

Survival spaghetti

Birmingham Chabad couple Rabbi Yossi and Rivki Cheruff provide a weekly “exam survival dinner” on campus so students working late at the library can refuel. Last week 50 hungry students took up the offer of soup, spaghetti and salads.

Stress-free frisbee fun

Liberal Judaism’s student and young adult chaplain Rabbi Leah Jordan put together exam stress packs that were sent to more than 200 students on campuses around the UK.

Each pack contains a “let it go” foldaway frisbee, Time Out chocolate bar, Mentos mints and details of upcoming events.

In a letter to students, Rabbi Jordan wrote: “We’ve got an LJ Students frisbee for you so that hopefully you can take advantage of any free time to ‘let it go’ between revision sessions, as well as chocolate bars to take some ‘time out’ and mints to nosh in the exams themselves to get you through.”

Revision provisions in the Midlands

Meanwhile Birmingham students were provided with yet more revision provisions when Midlands chaplain Rabbi Fishel Cohen invited them to his home for a challah-filled “exam escape” on bank holiday Monday before holding a Lag b’Omer BBQ later in the week.

Students in Warwick and Coventry can also look forward to an “exam escape” from the chaplain in the coming weeks.