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The Jewish Chronicle

Campus Notebook: March 21, 2014

March 21, 2014 09:00
Revellers enjoying Nottingham Chabad’s tropically themed jungle party for Purim

ByCharlotte Oliver, Charlotte Oliver

1 min read


With their mental muscles flexed and hands buzzer-ready, four JSocs rolled up in Oxford ready to fight it out in the Jewish version of University Challenge — or “Jewniversity Challenge” as we have come to know and love it. Early rounds proved tense, with Newcastle and Brighton & Sussex conceding to clever clogs Birmingham and Cambridge. But there could only be one winning team — and that honour went to Cambridge, whose line-up of Josh Goodman, Stephanie Posner, Ben Leibowitz and Rafi Dover proved they were know-alls on topics ranging from Shakespeare to SClub7. Jeremy Paxman would have been proud.


Busy girl, Stephanie Posner. Fresh from her quiz triumph, she has come up with a imaginative response to a video of actors kissing that went viral last week. She decided to re-create the idea on campus using volunteers. “I arranged it on Facebook and then paired people up at random as they arrived,” she said. “At the risk of sounding cheesy, it was really uplifting. Everyone was hugging by the end.”